Are you feeling the intensity? I sure am. It’s going to hit each of us distinctly, but each of us will have our reset or redirect during this Libra eclipse.
On October 14th at 1:54/1:55pm EST the new moon partial solar eclipse will occur at 21 degrees of Libra. This is very close to the south node- currently in Libra at 24 degrees. Venus, the ruler of this eclipse is now in Virgo after a long time spent in dramatic heart opening Leo. The north node is in same degree with Eris – both at 24 degrees. There is also a connection – though wide- with Pluto, now DIRECT in the late degrees of Capricorn. There is an opposition between Mercury and Chiron. Mars- just moving into Scorpio- is trine Saturn. Saturn has reached 0-degrees of Pisces. This is at the opposite end of the spectrum of Pisces from Neptune at 25 Pisces. Lastly, the Sun and Moon are inconjunct Uranus. So, what are the major themes of this new moon/eclipse in Libra?
With this new moon- ring of fire – eclipse, you may feel tempted to try forcing things into motion or tempted to escape emotional and mental discomfort. Now is not the time for that – if it ever is. Yet the aspect of Mars Square Pluto ramps up the pressure. Both of these are wanting to fulfil powerful expression in the signs of Scorpio and Capricorn. Mars trine Saturn may draw forth strong feelings of needing to take concrete action in the way of our latent dreams – now rising to the surface. With the north node in Aries conjunct Eris, we are tempted to be bolder than ever – perhaps rebelling against whatever has been our status quo and triggering those around us in the process. (So, basically, folks are more easily triggered at this time, and you may be more easily provoked than usual)
Mercury Opposite Chiron can bring out sharp speech that may seem sweet but can cut like a knife right to the ego wounds- opening them back up. Those old sores you thought were healed might need attention.
However, with this new moon eclipse being in Libra and ruled by Venus – currently in Virgo, we are needing to be more discerning. There is no need to fight, push or react with counterattack. It’s just a time to listen to those triggers- feel them in our bodies- so that we can allow ourselves to receive the guidance of this eclipse. If we get easily provoked and direct our focus and frustration towards others at this time, we will miss the golden thread leading us plainly towards our destiny. Now – don’t get me wrong – our destiny will NOT miss us. It’s inevitable. However, if we are too distracted by our triggers and focusing our attention on others to cast blame and punishment, rather than on the feelings aroused from within – we will have a harder time through the process. This is a time of surrender. Eclipses always have a way of aligning us with our destiny. This new moon on the south node does mean something is being pulled out of your way. Let it go. It will help restore balance in your life.
During eclipse periods I don’t do any intention setting or rituals. I simply keep myself open – embodied and present in each moment. I simply allow my body to respond rather than try to control with my mind. That is my invitation to you at this time. Let yourself be pulled through the portal and deeply listen to your beautiful body – which has all the awareness you need.
Many blessings
Neptune Bound